Dover Woman's Missionary Union Council

The Woman’s Missionary Union was founded by 32 women on May 14, 1888 in Richmond, VA, and is the largest Protestant women’s mission organization in the world. Its purpose is to:
1. learn about missions
2. pray for missions
3. give to missions
4. do missions
The Dover WMU (DWMU) Council exists to assist every Dover church to fulfill these 4 goals. Please contact us and let us help you establish the means by which we can encourage our church to fulfill the great commission that Jesus gave to us in Matthew 28:18-20.
PRINCIPLE FUNCTION: Plan, promote, conduct and evaluate programs and activities that assist churches to provide an effective missions education program for women, young women, and children.
1. Assist churches and WMU leaders to provide an effective WMU ministry, providing women, young women and children with missions education, missions support through prayer and giving, and opportunities for missions involvement.
2. Provide training, resources and direct assistance to churches and WMU leaders.
3. Maintain records of WMU activities and submit required reports to the Dover Ministry Center.
4. Submit goals, action plans, calendar dates and budget recommendations at the Dover Council annual planning retreat.
5. Encourage council members to attend training events at Eagle Eyrie, Ridgecrest and other training opportunities.
6. Encourage council members to earn their respective leadership training diplomas.
7. Promote the work of the Association, State and SBC.
8. Meet at least quarterly and such other times as deemed necessary by the WMU director.
WMU Facts
WMU is in all 50 states and many foreign countries.
WMU Motto: "We are laborers together with God." - 1 Corinthians 3:9
WMU color: purple, selected in 1913, as symbolic of being royal daughters of the King
WMU prays for missionaries on their birthdays.
In 1913, upon the 25th WMU anniversary, Emma Whitfield, noted artist and historian of Richmond, VA, whose mother presided at the 1888 meeting, provided the new emblem. It features a fish shape, which was a symbol of trust among early Christians, along with an open Bible with 1 Corinthians 3:9, and a torch symbolizing God's Spirit.
A globe was later added to the emblem to signify the intention of going to the ends of the earth to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
You and WMU – Focus on WMU
“The future lies all before us … shall it only be a slight advance upon what we usually do? Ought it not to be a bound, a leap forward, to altitudes of endeavor and success undreamed of before?” ~ Annie Armstrong, first corresponding secretary of WMU
The Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) has a very rich and impactful history. Since 1888, women have joined together under the banner of WMU to serve Christ in whatever way they could. They initiated programs to teach children and adults about missionaries and the importance of supporting them with prayer, action, and donations. Led by God, they started several compassion missions that members also support through prayer, giving, and going.
Over the years WMU has tackled the challenges in our world. They have focused on poverty, human trafficking, mental illness--all areas where there are hurting and lost people. These are the people Jesus reached out to during his time on earth. These are the people who desperately need the hope of the Good News.
WMU offers a structured mission discipleship program to children pre-school through teens and on into adulthood. Programs offered for children are Mission Friends, Girls in Action/Royal Ambassadors (for boys)/Children in Action, and Acteens (girls)/Challengers (boys)/Youth on Mission. For adults there is Women on Mission/Adults on Mission (coed). For younger women (18-34) there is the MyMISSION option. There are resources for families to work together with their children to promote mission discipleship. They have resources for churchwide missions.
All of this you can easily find in a web search on WMU. What a web search can’t tell you is how you can be a part of this organization. For that you have to search yourself, ask other members of WMU, and pray about it. Your church may no longer have an active WMU organization, but you can reach out to the Dover WMU Council to find out more or get support to start a group at your church. We are there for you.
Being a part of a larger organization gives you the encouragement you may need to further the vision God has given you regarding missions. It is so easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of a mission project, that we often forget why we are doing it. Being a part of WMU helps to keep the focus on the why and not necessarily the how.
In Luke 8:1-3, we find the following verses. They are sandwiched between Jesus forgiving the sinful woman and the parable of the sower. This placement is not coincidence. (I look at these verses as the actual start of WMU.)
Women Who Followed Jesus
8 Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him, 2 along with some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases. Among them were Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons; 3 Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s business manager; Susanna; and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support Jesus and his disciples. (From the New Living Translation)
Just like the women of 1888 who used their egg money and managed their household budgets to support missionaries, these women provided for Jesus and his disciples with their own wealth. But they didn’t just finance them, they followed Jesus wherever He went. Let us be like these women of the past. Let us not just give our offerings but let us follow Him. Let WMU help you along your journey. Let us leap into the future together.
Dover WMU Council Leadership 2023-2024
Beth Watson Ward
Darlene Herod
Sherry Alston
Cathy Williams
Sharon McKinley
Emilie Simpson
Jessica Moore
Arlene Hayes
Sue Hall
I: Cathy Williams
IV: Ginger Rice
V: Peggy Grivetti
Kathleen Sanderson Culpepper (formerly the West Night) Group: Darlene Herod
Mission Friends Consultant
Youth/Acteen/Challenger Consultant
Women/Adult Missions Consultant
Churchwide Missions Consultant